Megan O. 16x20" Oil on canvas

What compelled to choose a seascape as my final piece was that there expressive to create and have free forms. Along with that seascapes are more creative then still life and give the artist more of a chance to express a feeling through movement. I did not want to be trapped in another painting where everything was depicted by the objects selected. I wanted to be able to create something out of nothing if needed or desired.
Ten oil painting techniques and concepts that were used in this painting where using an under one to create the out line. Then after then the under tone was done using the same shade creating the values for the piece. The one that I had the most fun with was the clouds and that was rolling the panting brush to get a rolling cloud effect. Also with the clouds to have the parts that where not going to be fluffy I took the brush and just swiped it across the paint. To blend the paint together I used stumbling. The plate knife was used to create the back splash of the waves and spray against the rocks. Small brushes where used to get more texture in sir ten areas. In some areas the paint was applied heavy to show importance. The use of yellow in the sky and water was to brighten them up. Along with dark sienna was applied to blue to create a very dark shade of blue for the sky and water.
The three new concepts the where used in creating this piece was using the plate knife to create the back splash. The second concept that use in the piece was the use of a warm color in the water to create depth. The last concept used was to apply the paint heavy in some areas to show its significance.
The color scheme to be used in this project was to consist of blues, browns, yellows, and white. Each color would have their own degree changes in value and chromas. Plus the temperature of each color would very as well. There was to be an over all temperature of cool but with hints of warm radiating through in some parts.
The areas that I am satisfied with are the clouds, how realistic and fluffy they appear to be. Plus with the clouds there seems to be warmth shining through them like as if the sun was covered by them. Another area I am satisfied with is the water splashing against the rocks. That the splash looks like the rock is pooping in front of the splash and the splash is perfectly showing behind the rocks creating a wonderful effect. The area that I would want to improve apron on is the rocks. I would want them to have a bit more warmth and realistic feel.
What my piece is expressing calmness with a hint of growing spit. This is shown by the cool temperature through out the majority of the painting and the spite is expressed by the how the clouds where done in the upper left hand corner, along with the water splashing against the rocks.
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